Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marathon To Perfection

Hmm. . . my blog site is in German. That's weird.
Just wanted to let everyone know I made it safely! It was a bit of a marathon, but worth it. Here was my route:

Car from Stuart's house to the Oakland airport
Plane from Oakland to Seattle
Mini train thing within Seattle airport
Plane from Seattle to London
Plane from London to Zurich airport
Train from Zurich airport to Zurich city
Different train from Zurich city to Bellizona
Small BART-ish (but much cleaner) train from Bellizona to Locarno
Fart Trains that go to Verscio were closed
Bus from Locardo to Ponte Brolla
Used bus driver's phone to call David
Started walking towards Verscio from Ponte Brolla
David met me part way
Walked through a couple towns to get to Verscio
Slept soundly

Woke up in the most perfect little town.

Also, David says hi.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

World Traveler

I just picked up my boarding pass to London, and, needless to say, it made me smile. I couldn't help but take a picture: WORLD TRAVELER. My young-aspiring-traveler-former-self-me would be so proud. I know the title has to do more with the ticket and destination than the holder of the ticket, but a girl can dream.
Anyways, we're off. The new adventure has begun. I'm quite excited, as Stuart can attest to. I couldn't stop tapping/hitting him in the car ride to the airport (sorry Stuart). It feels good to be leaving. I don't have to worry about any loose ends that I forgot to tie. It's all out of my hands...for the most part. I don't have to think about what more I can be doing or what I let slip through the cracks. It feels good.

I feel free. And tired. Ready to sleep for 9 hours on this upcoming flight.

But in the meantime, I'm sitting here in the airport. I met a nice couple from New Zeland, and they say things like "loo," so that's fun. The boy next to me just came out to a friend via skype, and then took it back. Or something. So that was weird. I ate some gross Chinese food, which was not at all like the non-existent Mexican food I wanted, but whatever. And now I'm having flashbacks to Costa Rica, the last time I used this computer. The mouse kind of has a mind of it's own and jumps all over, causing me to have to reposition it so I don't write sentences inside of sentences. That probably doesn't make sense, but that's okay.

I get into London at noon tomorrow (or "half day" as the Kiwi said). Then a 4pm flight to Zurich, where will find a train to take me to David.

Let the games begin!!