On The Boat
I’ve picked out my favorite elliptical machine. Number 4, right in front of the window. So I spend from about 7-7:30 every morning exercising and looking out at the beautiful blue ocean (or in yesterday’s case – gray). Life is good.
I had lunch with the captain yesterday! I don’t really know how to translate that into non-ship talk in a way that carries over the magnitude of that privilege. It would be like if I happened to be touring the state capitol and some random tour guide said, “Do you want to have lunch with to governor?” That’s basically what happened. I was serving myself at the buffet line, and a waiter came up to me and said, “Do you want to have lunch at the captain’s table?” When I looked over at the captain’s table, I saw that the captain was actually AT the captain’s table. “Yes.” So I took my plate over to the table. Except for the ones occupied by Captain Jeremy and the second-in-command captain all the seats were available, and I seated myself at the one directly across from the captain. We were joined by 4 other students and 3 life long learners (old people who go on the trip for fun instead of for school). I was a really amazing opportunity.
And today I saw dolphins! Up until now I hadn’t had a marine life sighting. Everyone else had seen dolphins and ships and various times and until last night when I saw another boat I had seen nothing but blue. But then in class today everybody suddenly plastered themselves to the window, and I saw them! A whole bunch of dolphins just feet from the boat jumping and playing. It was SO COOL! AND we saw flying fish. I never knew what people meant when they said “flying fish,” but I get it now. The fish would jump out of the water, spread its fins/wings, and FLY for a couple feet before returning to the water. Not just up and down like how normal fish jump. The would jump up, go OVER, and then go back down into the water.
More news: I’m involved in a really cool Christian community that I’m super excited about. It’s called Wonderfully Made and there are about 20 of girls in it. I’m really excited to get to know them all!
Tomorrow is LAUNDRY DAY! I look forward to laundry day like everyone else looks forward to taco day. Hurray!
My classes are awesome!!!! But the homework is piling up. I’m going to go address that. . . .
Lila, I love your blog. I am so glad you are writing about your experience because I would never know what it might be like to study overseas, while at sea. So cool. Also, you're funny.
ReplyDeleteLila!! I'm so glad I found your blog. I can't wait to follow all your adventures at sea. I miss you and I hope you're having an amazing semester!!