Sunday, September 17, 2017

And So It Begins: Bakersfield & The Great Road Trip of 2017

Odometer: 206,797

And we’re off! Another adventure is officially underway! As I type, we are hauling down Highway 5 – still a little north of Bakersfield. This morning, the odometer read 206,791. Now, it’s at 206,976. 

Nothing to brag about, but hey, it’s only been a few hours.

We started early this morning. Wake up before the sun. Shower, breakfast, dishes, hit the road. Then I immediately fell asleep (great help I am) and Ken has been driving like a champ.

Ahead of us lies great adventure! Of what kind – we are yet to find out. Already there have been a few missteps just leading up to this exciting trip. Our main camping excursion (Grand Tetons) apparently has some rain coming in. So camping was out. I threw a pity party, and Ken had the soundness of mind to re-route us . . . to the Grand Canyon!

It’s an logical change. Just swap one grand for the other. No grandness lost.

If all goes according to plan, we’ll be watching the sun come up over the Grand Canyon tomorrow morning.

I’m super excited about this trip! It’s been exactly a decade since my last “big” road trip. In 2007, my friend Katia and I took a road trip up to Oregon. She was 18 and I was 17, and looking back, I’m amazed at the faith my parents had in me!  . . . It ended up with us breaking the car and taking the train back.

So here’s to higher hopes for this trip! At least for our car. J

Despite the unpredicted ended to that trip – actually including the unpredicted ending – that was one of the best memories I had in high school. I think road trips have a way of encouraging adventure and exploration, and I look forward to making more road trip memories on this one!

Well. . . that’s all I can think to write for now. We haven’t done much, and being just north of Bakersfield isn’t really a landscape worth describing. So I’ll sign off for now. And hopefully continue to add more throughout the trip!

. . . Although, I have to admit, this is all a big experiment. Who knows how often I’ll be able to type in the car like I am now. I (sadly) don’t have the steel stomach of my youth that could read in the backwards seat of the corolla sedan while going over highway 17. Nope, I’m becoming more sensitive in my old age.

But I’ll do what I can! And when I happen to get a long stretch of nothingness like this, I promise to write. And when I happen to come across free internet, I promise to upload.

Bye for now!

KEN’S THOUGHTS: I’m excited to finally be on vacation and on the road! I think that’s it.

9/17/2017 at 8:52pm
We’ve made it to Arizona! Grand Canyon for sunrise tomorrow.

Me and my grandpa husband and heading to bed. . . pre-9pm.

Goodnight all!

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