I think it's time for me to come home.
Actually, I'm quite sure of it.
I know this becuase:
a) I've run out of money
b) My flight is tomorrow
c) Yesterday AND today when I was trying to buy something for my little bro, I almost started crying because I couldn't figure out which size to get. (Don't ask me why I almost started crying. Believe me, it surprised me too.)
So I'm quite glad to be coming home tomorrow. Even though what I mean by that is leaving for home tomorrow. I'll be home the day after.
I'm in one of my autistic moods today. What I mean by that (for those of you who haven't heard me use that phrase), is that I don't make eye contact, I don't feel like talking to people, and I feel like staying in bed and reading all day.
I tried to kick myself out of it this morning, walked around, couldn't find where I wanted to go, got tired, and went back to my hostal. Then I stayed there for a bit. Then I took a nap. Then I said, "Lila, this is your last day in South America, go do something." But I really, really, really didn't feel like doing anything. Especially in Cuzco where people keep telling me to buy stuff. But, after remembering all the people yelling at me about relaxing masages, I forced myself out of bed, walked to the town square, and followed the first person that yelled at me about relaxation.
It was an awesome massage. Especially for 25 soles (about $8.50).
I thought that after I would feel rejuvinated and ready to go do stuff, but I don't. I tried to go shopping again, and, like I said before, almost started crying 'cause I couldn't choose a size for my not-so-little-little-brother. (Result: All of the VERY FEW gifts are things that don't have to fit correctly. Like sweat bands).
And then I gave up on shopping. I don't want to do anymore. Thought that counts, right? So if you feel like I should have got you something, know I probably thought about it. . . and then gave up. Does that make you feel better?
Bleh. I feel sick. I may have been a little too adventerous with my food and drink yesterday. (Pink, frothy, home brewed corn beer??? Guine Pig??? What was I thinking?). Oh how I long for honey nut cheerios and mac & cheese (not together). But right now, honestly, any food sounds gross.
So now I don't know what to do. I feel like I was adventerous enough yesterday to carry over to today. I ruined many tourists' pictures. I tried to feel bad about it, but it didn't work.
Let me tell you what happened.
Background: Peru is a Catholic country that likes to party. Not "party" in the sense of nightly drunken debauchary, but more in the sense of every Catholic saint is deserving of a parade with dancers and everyone drinking beer (normal beer, not pink corn beer).
I followed music to find the celebration in the middle of some random street and sat down to watch. The dances were really intersing. There were a couple different ones - some were all ladies in bright colors, others were me in masks that honestly kind of really scared me who would whip each other to demonstrate force (weirdest thing I've seen in my life), and so on. I sat on the curb and watched, and asked the people next to me what was going on. The people next to me came and went, and eventually I was sitting next to a whole bunch of the non-scary dancers. We talked for awhile, and then the parade moved into a plaze a couple streets away. I was in charge of carrying all the non-scary dancers' drinks.
When we got to the plaza, and the non-scary dancers had finished their performance, they all came and sat with me. So there was I - jeans & gross, smelly t-shirt - in the middle of all the dancers in their beautiful, intricately beaded costumes (which I spilled soda on). When their dinner got passed out, they made sure I got some too. And same with the drinks. When the tourists tried to get a picture of all of them, I could see them looking at me with a "what the heck is she doing their" look on their face.
Made me laugh.
I might join the dancers again tonight. If I don't go to sleep first. Maybe I'll just go for a little bit. . . but I really want to go to sleep. And I feel like my head might explode. Wow, feeling sick sucks.
We'll see.
Okay, that's it for now. This is probably my last blog entry. . . that's probably a lie.
I'll see you soon.
Lots of love.
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