Monday, August 2, 2010


Today I finished a 26 hour bus ride. It actually wasn't that bad, and I got to see a lot of the country. Plus I sat by a baby. That makes everything better.

Before I left, I went to the supermarket to get some food. I was planning on copying my dad's backpacking skills and getting peanut butter and bread. The peanut butter was in the foreign foods section.

Can I say really quickly that I think Chileans are missing out on a great opportunity. They have great peanuts. And they have great bread. . . You would think SOMEONE would have put it together by now. But no.

Anyways, the only peanut butter they had was Planters. It's like Skippy. 1 part peanuts, 2 parts sugar. Personally, I think that's gross. So I opted for the Nutella. If I'm going to have sugar, I REALLY want to have sugar. PLUS it had more protein (which was my goal) and less calories than the fake-ish peanut butter.

So I bought a huge bag of carrots (full size, giant, Chilean carrots), a loaf a bread larger than my head, and a jar of nutella. Life is good.

So I made it here in one piece, which is nice. We stopped for like 45 minutes at 3am in the middle of nowhere and I thought we might be getting robbed. We weren't. So that was good news.

I am now experiences a very weird hostal situation. I'll demonstrate it for you: "blah blah mate, blah mate mate, bee, mate blah, something else y'know mate, throw another shrimp on the barbie." (Oh my gosh! I just realized that barbie is BBQ!)

Yep, it's me and about 638 Australians and 2 giant Swiss swisters. I think I come up to their elbows.

Oh my gosh, two more just walked in. Australians, that is. Not giant Swiss sisters.

"bee," by the way, is "beer."


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