Please don't get too attached to me writing everyday, because I promis it's not going to happen throughout the entierty of my trip. Couple things to update everyone on: I'm taking a lot of solace in the idea that this is "round one" of Europe. So if you say, "Are you going to ____?" or "Did you ____?" and I say "nope" there's no need to say, "Awww, bummer." A better response would be, "What did you do instead?" and I will tell you of some great adventure. Or some horrible tragedy. But, hey, tragedy plus time equals humor, so there's no loss there either. This is round one, and I'll catch some more stuff on the next round, whenever that ends up being. So, ya. There's that.
Next: This really is the perfect little village. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. It's kind of like Pleasantville, if you've ever seen that movie. Except not, because in that movie there's a negative connotation to the perfection of the town, and here's there's not. Today David and I picked cherries. I've never done that before, it was grand.
Also today, David and I went on a hike up a large hill/mountain where you could see the whole valley. That's where the top picture came from. And the bottom one, actually. I'm wondering how many pictures I should put on here. Do you guys want more pictures? Does anyone even read this? When I write these, I feel like I'm just writing them for my mom. Hi Mom! I'll add a cherry tree picture. Here it is:

Let me know if you guys (or you, Mom) like photos. I can try to be more consistent with them. Hmm...what else do I want to say. The cheese is delecious here. The chocolate too. I'm (slowly) learning Italian, but I apparently have a Spanish accent. But everyone else has a German accent, so it's not like they're perfect either. But they're still much better than me (super duh). All of David's friends are wonderful. David lives in this really cute three story house thing. First floor is the kitchen and dining nook, floor 1.5 is the bathroom, 2nd floor is living room/Maria's room, and there's more, but David just got out of dance, so I'm going to go. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Oh this is so fun!