Monday, November 2, 2009

Cute No More: Halloween!!!

My roommate can’t keep a secret. She knows that, I know that, and pretty much everyone else knows that. I, on the other hand, am an excellent secret keeper. We’re a good roommate match because she can blab to me and then it doesn’t go any further.

So the day before Halloween, she comes into our room and goes, “I found something out and it’s a secret, but I have to tell you.” I say, “Kellie, if it’s a secret don’t tell me.” Hey, I tired, but there’s no stopping her. “I have to tell someone,” she says. So I let her talk.

“So, apparently tonight at exactly 10:15 the lights in the Union are going to go out and then the LLCs are going to perform Thriller.”

What you don’t know: The Union is the room where we were having our Halloween Dance. The LLCs are the Living, Learning Coordinators who are basically our RAs.

What she doesn’t know: For the past couple weeks I’ve been on the student dance team that has been practicing Thriller to perform at exactly 10:15 in the Union that night.

“Woah, seriously? The LLCs are performing? That’s so cool,” I say.


All day I was dressed up as Super Sunshine Girl, a costume that consisted of a yellow cape hair tires, and a mask all constructed from the same t-shirt. I was pretty proud of myself.

That night for the dance I changed into a zombie costume. For Halloween I’ve always been something that’s either cute, pretty, or funny. I’ve NEVER been something gross or scary. Let me tell you . . . IT’S SO MUCH FUN!!!

First of all, I looked awesome. I died a white t-shirt with tea bags so that it looked dirty and gross (hard to make something look dirty when you’re in the middle of the ocean and have no access to dirt). Then I cut it up to make it look raggedy, which was a LOT of fun. I absolutely love altering clothes like that. Then I smeared a (*cough* stolen from the kitchen *cough*) pomegranate on the shirt to add some blood. Then the make up was SO much fun. Basically just smear it all over. And my hair. . .  already looked like zombie hair. Didn’t really have to do anything to it, which is kind of disconcerting, but whatever.

So getting ready was way fun.

And then the dance was even more fun as a scary thing because I didn’t have to worry about staying cute, my outfit getting dirty, walking in uncomfortable shoes, making sure I stayed covered up, etc. I could jump around and get sweaty worry free. No concerns about my costume staying cute or intact, because it was already neither cute nor intact.

Then at exactly 10:15 the floor was cleared for the costume contest, but then there was an electrical difficulty and the lights went out. And I took position. The lights came on and we awoke from the dead. The room exploded into applause.

I had forgotten how much I love performing.

More dancing and celebration, then off to bed. On days like today when I’m pulling into Vietnam (if I jumped off the boat right now,  I could swim to shore in less than 3 minutes) it’s fun to think of everyone we know being in school. No offense. But having school Halloween – a Saturday! – and knowing that you need to wake up the next morning – a Sunday! – for school is less than favorable.

But I still say the trade off is worth it. Like I said, I can see Vietnam out my window. I could reach it with a balloon launcher.

So here I am, going up the Mekong Delta. Ready for another adventure. And some Pho.

I’m excited for mail to be delivered. =-)

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