Thursday, July 7, 2011

What The Place Holder Was Holding


Warning – I am the bad combination of exhausted + coffee. Just so you know what you’re getting into.

My head is spinning. I’m been living in Spanish, and I just had to write in my log for the day for school, and there’s other stuff that I want to write here, and then I have my journal-journal too, plus I just want to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Entonces, I’ll just write about a couple things. Ok, there are two things I want to write about here: 1) Storms, & 2) Matilda.

Part 1 - Storms
Have you ever driven through an electrical storm? I don’t mean under where it’s raining on you and you see the flashes of lightening ahead of you, I mean THROUGH.
Like instead of seeing a fork of lightening, the whole world flashes as if God flicked on & off a light. Like instead of hearing a boom somewhere off in the distance, you hear it as if you’re in the belly of a dragon and it’s growling? Like instead of having water pouring down on you, you might as well be driving through a pool or sitting under a waterfall? Like instead of seeing the angry storm clouds above you, you're in them?

I did that today. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part 2 - Matilda

Have you ever seen the movie Matilda? If yes, proceed on. If no, go watch it right now, because I don’t know how we’re even friends if you haven’t seen the movie Matilda.

To those of you who have seen it, welcome to this part.

To those of you who STILL haven’t seen it, wow, okay, you haven’t seen it AND you’re continuing on. Fine, I’ll explain what I’m going to talk about, since you obviously can’t be troubled to go watch a movie for an hour and a half (don’t pretend you have a life – you’re reading my blog). Anyways, in the movie there’s a scene where Ms. Trunchbule (excuse spelling, I have no internet and therefore no imdb access) makes Bruce eat a whole chocolate cake about the size of a 4th grader curled up in a ball.
I’m Bruce.

They just keep feeding me here – AND I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! I’m going to burst. But it’s super rude to not finish what you’re given, and I’m never there in time to stop them from heaping SO MUCH food on my plate. Seriously, they’ll give me a plate full of food that is probably about the equivalent of what I normally eat in a DAY, PLUS fruit, PLUS soda, PLUS weird cookies. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!

For example, this morning my host-mom packed me 3 sandwiches, 2 apples, a box full of 10 servings of chocolate cookies, and a soda for what I ASSUMED was lunch.


After eating 1.5 sandwiches (and nothing else because I was still full from BREAKFAST), I came home to a HUGE plate of food bigger than my head. I got up the nerve to ask for smaller portions – saying that I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the food, I just couldn’t eat very much – and they took off maybe . . . 2 tablespoons worth of food from a plate with 4-5 cups worth of SOLID food (chicken, potatoes, rice, beans. . .). And I had to eat it ALL.

Like I said, I’m Bruce.

Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . . . this is going to be a problem unless I figure something out. I’ll keep you posted.

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The food situation has improved a little. I was able to let them know that their food is DELICIOUS, but I only have a small appetite, so I can't eat that much. So now they've cut my portions down to enough to feed. . . a small army.

But at least now it's only a SMALL army!

Oh my gosh, and I'm exhausted ALL THE TIME. My mind is tired from living in Spanish, my legs are tired from these hills, my arms are tired from making shampoo, and my body is tired from being at such high altitude & DIGESTING ALL THIS FOOD.

But I'm very happy. The people are amazing, and every time I get home, I have some collection of grandkids waiting for me. Which is fun.

Oh my gosh, I'm so tired.

Happy, but tired.


OH! The tree that we have in our front yard that nobody knows what it is, THEY HAVE THEM HERE! They're all over. I wrote down what they were called, but then I forgot the paper I wrote the name on. Nipero. . . nispero. I think that's it. Hold on. . .

YA! Here it is -
Look at the picture in the middle! Super good.

Bon Jovi is playing in the background right now. First English in awhile.

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